Harvest Season

What does it mean that each year we have a harvest? In our modern age, many people are completely disconnected from this concept. The idea that during different seasons there are different phases of life and growth is foreign for the person who only collects food at a store.

Even those who shop at Farmer’s Markets these days, though closer to knowing the truth, are not completely informed about what happens from start to finish in growing food.

The home vegetable/fruit gardener is more likely to have a better understanding of what it means to have different seasons with varied purpose in each one. Severely limited by what they choose to grow, even the home gardener may not be paying attention to the entire year.

Most people only grow vegetables in the summer, so they consider that the growing season. In California, we have a year long growing season. Meaning that food can be grown year round. And harvested many times throughout the year.

Harvest, then, begins to get a different context. Can we harvest all year long? Or is there only a specific time to harvest? In terms of life, we can consider that harvest is a time of reaping and storing. Reaping gives us the reward for the seeds that have been sown. Storing allows us to continue to gain the benefits or results of our actions.

With this perspective, we can definitely be harvesting all year long. In order to have a harvest, new seeds need to be continually sown. So, all year long we are sowing seeds that will bring fruit at the end of each growing season. What seeds are you sowing this season?

Tools of the trade

The question to ask is, “What have I sown? What will the harvest bring to me? What can I store for future use? What do I need to do next time to sow seeds that will bring a fruitful harvest to my life?”

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